Who can I meet at StudyWorld?
StudyWorld is the showcase for the best that UK education has to offer the world, and is supported by the Department for International Trade, which will have a major presence.
Our new focus on the UK education offer is paired with our aim to help agents, buyers and partners from across the globe meet the UK providers who can fulfil their needs.
For a productive StudyWorld, use Marcom eSchedule PRO’s advanced filters to help you find the partners you want to meet and book meetings in advance. You can also register interest in seminars, make notes on your meeting and export the delegate list to your devices. Start scheduling your meetings now with:
UK education exporters
Including: English language centres, universities, boarding schools, further education colleges, pathway providers, summer schools, sixth form colleges, associations and publishers.
Special delegations
Overseas agents/partners
Including: study-abroad agents, buyers, influencers and agent associations as well as Department for International Trade commercial officers from UK embassies and British Council representatives from different markets.
Service providers
Including: exam boards, marketing specialists, financial services, insurance companies, accommodation providers, guardianship services and many more.
Special delegations
For the first time, StudyWorld is hosting delegations from Gulf countries, London Embassies and Department for International Trade commercial officers.
If you have any questions about who you can meet at StudyWorld, your booking or scheduling meetings, please do not hesitate to get in touch. And, if you haven’t already, book your place now to join us this September at the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II Centre in Westminster.