StudyWorld triumphs in Manchester
Our first UK-based StudyWorld outside London since the event relocated from Brighton to London in 2007 was a massive success, selling out for agents and attracting great feedback.
Educators’ meeting schedules were 90% full, agents visited local members’ schools on foot and by cabs during the event, and two memorable parties included the welcome reception in the 23rd floor Cloud bar of The Hilton Deansgate and another at the National Football Museum, organised by English UK North.
English UK Chief Executive Jodie Gray said: ‘It’s been great to have such a positive response to our decision to hold the event in Manchester for the first time. Hopefully this won’t be our last time in Manchester, and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone in Brighton in 2026.’
She added: ‘Since StudyWorld was conceived there has been the intention of taking the event on the road and we finally have. It makes perfect sense for agents to experience the hospitality and welcome of other parts of the UK.’
Fantastic feedback
Shoko Doherty, chair of English UK, said: ‘The feedback has been fantastic. The quality of agents has been fantastic. It was very well-organised, and it was nice to see part of Manchester thanks to English UK North. It was good to see members co-ordinating together and organising something in this way.
Whatever you are looking for, it is here
Welcoming guests to the English UK North party, co-ordinator Andrew Hjort said: ‘The first step to getting people to try somewhere new is to introduce somewhere new. Manchester is an amazing location, and we’ll see what happens.’ During his welcoming speech at the Football Museum party, Andrew highlighted some of the North’s many historical and cultural icons before adding: ‘This region, our region, is famous for the warmth of its welcome and we want to share this with you and your clients. Whatever you are looking for, whatever they are looking for, it is here.’
Manchester popular with local members…
Local English UK members were among those delighted with the change of venue. Peter Hayes of IH Manchester, who sponsored the event, said he was ‘thrilled’ to be in the city. ‘It’s a wonderful thing – it’s the best opportunity to showcase what Manchester is about, the people and the culture.’ More benefits of hosting StudyWorld in Manchester: Jo Wilde and Bairbre Walsh of Essential English had Manchester’s Director of Tourism Nick Brooks-Sykes sit in on their meetings to gain a deeper understanding of the UK ELT industry. ‘He wants to meet all the Manchester schools to better understand the synergies and where he can support,’ said Jo. The pair were sending agents off on foot to visit their school, just ten minutes away. It was Patrick Chen of UKEC first time at StudyWorld. He was drawn to the event, as it’s just minutes away from his office in Manchester. ‘My colleague asked how it was, and I said it’s brilliant.’ He liked the size and meeting new schools. Will he go to StudyWorld Brighton 2026? ‘Yes, I think so.’
‘I’m an evangelist for StudyWorld moving outside London – UK ELT is UK-wide and it makes sense’ said Simon Thorley of InTuition Languages.
…and educators and agents from all over the world
Steve Phillips, former English UK chair, added: ‘As much as I love London, Manchester has this incredible feel and energy about it.’
Ally Connet of St Andrews College Language Schools said: ‘We’re very happy to be in Manchester – the agents are really good quality, from different countries and a mix of new and existing partners. We’ve also got fam trips going to Scotland and England.’
‘I was very interested that you organised the event outside of London – that’s very nice. I think it’s a great opportunity for us to get to know more about the city and the potential for students. I love that this is not in London,’ says Paola Gonzalez Gimenez of Linguistic Links in Spain.
‘The vibe is really good. Everyone is here and happy to be here and ready to work which is exactly what you want in a workshop. It’s the right size to get to know everybody and meet people several times to solidify the relationship,’ said Nicola Lutz of No Fluff.
‘It was a great event with exceptional agents,’ said Victoria Paterson of Edinburgh College.
StudyWorld, held at the Hilton Manchester Deansgate at the end of January, included two full days of meetings as well as an afternoon of seminars, evening networking events and Fam trips. Seminar speakers included Anna Harris from VisitBritain on inbound tourism and perceptions of Britain, and Alison Tudor from the British Council on accreditation and why it matters. Plus, English UK’s Jodie Gray and Huan Japes on the global ELT market and the UK’s standing, and Disquiet Dog’s Richard Bradford on AI usage and education marketing.
Find out more about upcoming events:
StudyWorld Online 2025, 10-11 September
StudyWorld China 2025, 13-21 November
StudyWorld Brighton 2026, 26-28 January