Get expert advice on safeguarding, digital marketing and accreditation at StudyWorld
StudyWorld is more than just a recruitment event. This year, we’ve created a specialist advice zone.
We want to help UK education providers spread the word about the quality and safety of their offer. Furthermore, we want to support international buyers in finding out exactly how we look after students and raise standards.
You can book appointments with experts at StudyWorld and attend seminar sessions for more general information.
What advice appointments can you book at StudyWorld?
The advisors specialise in:
- DigitalMarketing – Table L1
- Accreditation UK – Table L2
- Travel & Leisure Law – Table L3
- Safeguarding – Table M2
- Immigration & GDPR – Table M3
To book appointments, look in the service providers’ area of Marcom eSchedule PRO. It may also be possible to approach advisors on the day if they have free appointments.
There’s no need to book for the seminar sessions being run as part of the advice programme. They include talks from Liz McLaren of the British Council on Accreditation UK, Nigel Heritage and Kevin O’Donnell on safeguarding and Richard Bradford on digital marketing. Most are running on Tuesday and Wednesday at the south end of the meetings floor.
We also invite agents to share why the UK is important to you and your students as part of a parliamentary inquiry into the value of international students in the UK at Table M1.
For a full list of this year’s wonderful seminars, view the seminar page.